DISNEY 的 Paralegal Physical Antipiracy 职位 Skip Navigation
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Paralegal Physical Antipiracy

立即申请 稍后申请 Job ID 10097123 工作地点-国家/地区 上海, 中国内地 工作发布公司 The Walt Disney Company (Corporate); 发布日期 2024/08/05


Job Purpose

The purpose of this position is to provide paralegal assistance for Physical Antipiracy operations, mainly but not exclusively in China and various other Asian markets.

Key Responsibilities

  • Conduct research over the internet and via other channels;
  • Foster and maintain good working relationship with counterparts of Chinese e-commerce platforms and drive actions by such platforms to take down offerings of unauthorized Disney products;
  • Support Antipiracy Counsel in managing the files and databases in relation to Disney’s antipiracy activities in the markets;
  • Provide assistance to Antipiracy Counsel in managing outside counsels in relation to Disney’s antipiracy enforcement in the markets;
  • Assist Antipiracy Counsel in Disney’s communication with government authorities in relation to Disney’s antipiracy enforcement in the markets and interact with government officers on daily work matters independently; and
  • Collaborate with internal clients and other functions of the Company for support needed for antipiracy enforcement actions.



  • Graduate or post graduate of Law School; or
  • Graduate with English Language degree, with experience in IPR enforcement related projects.


  • Experience in reputable law firm, IP agency or multinational companies will be an advantage. IP relevant experience in China preferred.


  • knowledge of fundamentals of IP laws;
  • Knowledge about IPR enforcement practice in the PRC;
  • Familiar with the legal services/practices and the standards of such services/practices of multinational companies.

Core Skills:

  • Able to handle IPR enforcement related queries from government authorities (such as PSB, AIC / AMR and Customs) and other outside stakeholders, under Antipiracy Counsel’s supervision;
  • Ability to manage the IP related files and multiple software-based databases on a daily basis;
  • Able to draft legal documents and memos with guidance of Antipiracy Counsel;
  • Independently build and maintain working relationship both internally and externally; and
  • Good time management skill.


  • Fluent in speaking and writing English and Mandarin.

关于 The Walt Disney Company (Corporate):

透过The Walt Disney Company (Corporate),您可以看到公司强势品牌背后的各项业务如何紧密联系,打造出世界上极具创新性、影响极为深远和备受赞誉的娱乐公司。作为公司团队的一员,您将与业界精英携手合作,共同推动各种卓越的策略,确保华特迪士尼公司始终处于娱乐业的前沿。您和其他富有创意的思想者彼此借鉴,彼此欣赏。您能够助力世界上杰出的故事讲述者,为世界各地千千万万的家庭创造美好的记忆。

关于 The Walt Disney Company:

The Walt Disney Company(及其子公司和附属公司)是一家行业领先的多元化国际家庭娱乐和媒体企业,包含三大核心业务板块:Disney Entertainment、ESPN 以及 Disney Experiences。从 20 世纪 20 年代的一家小型卡通工作室,一跃发展成为当今娱乐业中的翘楚,Disney 非常荣幸地继续秉承其传统,为每位家庭成员打造世界一流的故事和体验。Disney 的精彩故事、生动人物形象以及丰富体验吸引了世界各地的消费者和游客。我们在 40 多个国家及地区经营业务,我们的员工和演职人员携手努力,打造在全世界和当地都备受钟爱的娱乐体验。

此职位隶属于 TWDC (China) Ltd.,即我们称为 The Walt Disney Company (Corporate) 业务的一部分。

This position is with TWDC (China) Ltd.,which is part of a business we call The Walt Disney Company (Corporate).

公司规定向所有员工和申请人提供同等就业机会,无论种族、宗教、肤色、性别、家庭状况、性取向、原国籍、年龄、婚姻状况、退伍军人身份、精神或肢体残疾、怀孕、民族/种族、外侨工人身份、传染病菌携带者身份、或法律规定的其它类别。 此政策涵盖但不限于员工的聘任和雇佣、升职、降职、调动、临时解雇、解除雇佣、工资水平和其它薪酬形式、教育和培训。

It is the policy of the Company to provide equal opportunity for all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, religion, color, sex, family status, sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital status, covered veteran status, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, nationality/ethnicity, migrant worker status, carrier of infectious diseases status, or any other category of persons to the extent provided by law. This policy extends, but is not limited, to recruitment and employment, promotion, demotion, transfer, layoff, termination, rate of pay, and other forms of compensation, education, and training.

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